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Story Tuning: Refining and Resolving Our Writing Conflicts

Guides: Maya Rachel Stein + Amy Tingle

Do you have a piece or collection of writing that has been languishing in your desk drawer, collecting dust? Is your hard drive full of half-finished pieces that you are ready to bring to life? Are you wanting to get your writing published? This full-day workshop is for those who are seeking a stronger, clearer perspective and an opportunity to refine their work and prepare it for publication.

You will have an opportunity to submit unfinished work to us before class begins, and we will offer guidance in bringing writing projects to completion, editorial feedback, and help polish existing work for submission. We will also provide direction for how to navigate writing blocks, develop a timeline for personal deadlines, and set goals for a sustainable and commited practice. Maya and Amy have a combined 33 years of editorial experience and would love to work with writers who are hungry for increased visibility, recognition, creative nourishment and progress.

What to bring: Something to write on and with (laptop, journal, pen). We’ll also be asking you to submit unfinished work or writing you’d like feedback on prior to the retreat. We’ll connect with you in the fall with instructions about how to do this.

*Photo by Madelyn Mulvaney